The Homewood Clinics

At The Homewood Clinics you have immediate access to private, physician-supported outpatient treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, addiction and co-occurring conditions. From individual assessments and hourly therapy to group-based intensive outpatient treatment and aftercare programs, we will tailor a treatment plan to your needs. 

Call today, start treatment tomorrow.


Get Started Today

If you’re ready today, so are we. In all parts of the country, wait lists for publicly funded programs are months-long and in some cases, extend beyond a year. All of The Homewood Clinic programs are private, and available to you today.


Specialized Treatment for Trauma and PTSD

The national network of Homewood Clinics offer immediate access to customized outpatient treatment for PTSD and other trauma related conditions. The Homewood Clinics have the only group-based, intensive outpatient programs dedicated to trauma treatment and recovery in Canada. Our full trauma treatment program focuses on stabilization, integration, aftercare and post-traumatic growth.

Get in touch

Expertise Matters

With 135-years of experience, Homewood Health is Canada’s leader in the treatment of depression, anxiety, PTSD and addiction. 

At The Homewood Clinics, you’ll be working with a team of experts including psychiatrists and addiction medicine physicians as well as certified counsellors, psychologists, social workers and occupational therapists.

Personalized Treatment That Fits Your Life

After speaking with our clinicians, we will provide a recommendation for treatment intensity that is best suited to your lifestyle, symptoms and goals. Our treatment recommendation may include entry into one of our intensive outpatient group programs or hourly counselling.

Medical Services

At The Homewood Clinics, our physicians consult to support the diagnosis, treatment and aftercare planning of our clients. As part of intensive outpatient programs at the clinics, available medical services include:

  • Diagnostic assessment
  • Medication review
  • Medication evaluation and prescribing
  • Consultation with attending physician
  • Consultation with clinic team on diagnosis and treatment planning
  • Client file review to support treatment planning
  • Ambulatory withdrawal management
Intensive Group Programs

Multiple intensive outpatient programs are available at The Homewood Clinics across Canada. Each program is focused on either trauma, anxiety or depression, addiction or co-occurring conditions.

Individual Counselling

Packages for hourly therapy with a counsellor or psychologist are available for individuals, couples and families. We also offer a structured program of hourly sessions with therapists specializing in depression, anxiety and trauma.

Family Support

The family programs available at Homewood clinics are designed to help our clients’ family members understand and support those in treatment for addiction or trauma.


After completing one of our full programs for intensive outpatient treatment, our 52-week Aftercare program provides post-treatment support groups for effective transition and return to community and work.

We can help

No waiting. No referral needed. No more suffering.

Call Today and Start Treatment Tomorrow.

Contact The Homewood Clinics at 1-866-736-9960.

Or contact us online